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Photograph by Alex de Vries Magnifico
"The Space We Take" by Ness Lee (Canada) sheds light on the threatened leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), one of seven sea turtle species that call our oceans home. The leatherback sea turtle is classified as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
Artist Statement
Leatherback Sea Turtles contribute to the marine ecosystem by consuming jellyfish, helping to maintain the jellyfish population and in turn maintain the food chain consumption that proceeds- making the Leatherback Turtles an integral part of the marine ecosystem. Whether or not we are exposed to the ocean as part of our day to day, we live with water in our lives and exercise habits, such as plastic pollution, that affect those waters- making our existence an integral part of the very system that we are causing harm to."
Artist Bio
Ness Lee draws on history and personal narratives to create dreamy and surreal illustrations, paintings, sculptures, and installations. Often featuring her unique characters, Lee’s work offers a humorous and charming look at ideas of identity, culture, love, belonging, and oneness through her line work and novel use of media. Ness Lee’s work has been featured at the AGO First Thursdays, Drake Hotel, and the Tokyo Art Book Fair, as well as galleries in Boston, New York, and Toronto.
The Story behind The Space We Take
Ness Lee